laptop water damaged repair

laptop water damaged repair hamilton

Laptops are our part of lives. It is very common your laptop get water or liquid damaged. If any of your electronic got liquid damaged do not try turning on. Liquid is conductive that means if any of logic board part where there is moisture or liquid spilled. the small parts capacitors, resistors, Filter or ics start passing current in every direction which will burn the components and will stop working. Never turn on your laptop if you think is liquid damaged. Take it to good repair shop . We recently have done a successful laptop water damaged repair. This laptop was completely dead and was water damaged on different places.

laptop water damaged repair
laptop water damaged repair
laptop water damaged repair
laptop water damaged repair

Once water damaged area is identified. Check any burnt components. Before start cleaning check if there is any short on the board. a chort is unappropriate bath of the current. Because if there is a short on the board or any of the component are burnt then cleaning doesn’t work. laptop logic board best cleaning you can do is in ultrasonic machine with recommended cleaning agent.

laptop water damaged repair in ultrasonic machine

Manual cleaning on the logic board does not give good results and you cant reach places underneath the ICs. Ultrasonic cleaning produce shocks and waves to give good cleaning. Always use only recommended cleaning fluid for PCB or you can destry board.

laptop water damaged repair
laptop water damaged repair

After laptop ultrasonic cleaning the board came out shining.

laptop water damaged repair
laptop water damaged repair

Liquid or moisture or water damaged will make electronic components joints lose and solder connectivity can go weak. which will compromise performance of laptop or may not turn on. Once the board is cleaned and free of any short. We will give it a re flow in the heater. Re flow will  melt down solder joints on the logic giving them strength needed to perform well. Below is picture laptop logic board reflow at our work shop at budget computer hamilton 85 victoria street.

laptop water damaged repair
laptop water damaged repair



Next step is to do do a final inspection of the laptop logic board to make sure all is good. if you are using this as a guide to laptop water damaged repair plz note if there is a bad component on the board or short cleaning will not work.

laptop water damaged repair
laptop water damaged repair

where to get laptop water damaged repair in hamilton waikato.

Budget computer hamilton has fully equipped workshop in store all the laptop repairs done professionally. If you have a water damaged laptop do not delay bring it to budget computer or call 078394188.