Macbook pro touchbar: worth your money or not?

Whenever something new come up in the market, the first thing that we as a user do is compare the device with the previous versions of it or the other brands product in the market.

Apple has built the image and reputation of its brand in the market by delivering the best products one after the another. Apple users always remain curious and excited for the launch of next device. the time new macbook pro has been introduced people started talking about it a lot because of its new feature touch bar.

Now, there are various of factors that one looks for on a basis of his/her needs. Such as is touch bar is useful? does it has something specifically beneficial for my work? What new it has to offer? And various of other things.

The doubts are more and more about this new touchbar device but answers are still less clarified out there in the market. Here we are shining some light on the product and comparing it with the macbook pro without the touchbar feature.

Touch bar and Touch id

One of the most raised question is general, how useful the touchbar is? And other than the cool looking strip what it actually does?

Here are list of features it offers :-

  • Autocomplete sentence suggestion
  • Unlock macbook pro with fingerprint
  • Swipe through emoji to pick one or add in email or message
  • Customize buttons
  • Add play/pause button
  • Adjust brightness and volume by one touch

Some features are general that i just mentioned above. other than these basic features it also has little to offer for those creative artist that work on their mac more often for editing and music making stuffs. Lot of famous app are compatible to touch bar and provide essential tool on strip for instant access of common tools that comes in use the most.

The removal of function keys from board and addition of it on a strip bar is not a very usual stuff you’ll see in every other system. You can still access function keys by making it visible on touch bar but for that you need to change the touchbar function every time to make a use of it.

What is different from previous macbook pro other than touchbar?

The hardware is more or less same of both the new mac pro and old mac machine. Both has i5 processors with 8GB ram. The only difference you’ll see in hard disk that is quite larger in 2017 touch bar model than the 2016 or 2015 one. Also graphics are little bit upgraded this time but almost features are identical.

Final verdict

Obviously, the touch bar quite give you the feel of macbook touch screen with the easy access to most of the apps by single touch on it.  Lot of apps also offering best utilization of the touch bar if the app comes in use of your work. Still,  if you are more of a person who like to upgrade on a basis of hardware than the features then may be customization or repairing of apple mac is the option for you.

Still, technology is new and effective but consist both pros and cons like everything does in the market.