Samsung note 2 dead repair power ic
Samsung note 2 dead repair power ic Hamilton
If Samsung note is not charging or neither turns on with a charged battery most probably Samsung note 2 dead repair power ic is the solution. Budget computer Hamilton being the most trusted skilled to carry out most difficult job on Samsung mobile phone to component level repairs in store with fully equipped workshop. Samsung note 2 dead repair power ic is not a DIY repair. Proper tools, experience, skills all take in account when you replace very tine components on the logic board. Below Samsung note 2 came in our workshop dead, no charging no boot up. When Samsung phones are dead it is either power chip or emmc ic which might be faulty. You have to be sure which one is faulty. For technicians it is easy to figure out by checking the power rails if the power is going out to rest of the board. If no power on the rails then it is power ic. Below in the picture is location of Samsung note 2 power ic the part number is MAX77686G
How to remove Samsung note 2 power ic?
Not easy. On this Samsung note 2 power ic there is around 40 solder balls joint which are attached to the logic board. You have to use recommended flux to bring the melting point of solder balls joint underneath power ic MAX77686G down so that all the joints melt and you can pull the ic chip up without breaking any pads underneath. Remenber if you break any of the Samsung note 2 power ic pads underneath your phone will not be repairable. Removing the Samsung power ic chip without breaking any of the joints underneath you can see in the below picture.
You can see in the above picture the Samsung note 2 power ic came out with shinny joints underneath.
What power ic does in mobile phones?
Simple definition of power ic functionality in any mobile phone is it chop up voltage and supply to other parts of the phones. it will distribute the voltage to LCD to power up, to processor to function and to flash drive to run software. If any of the supply to any of these component died your phone will not turn on. In below picture you can see Samsung note 2 power ic replaced successfully and it worked fine.
Samsung galaxy note repair Hamilton
If any of your Samsung note 2, 3, 4, 5 have any hardware of software problem. Bring it to budget computer Hamilton at 85 Victoria street Hamilton or call 078394111
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